Educational Media
Digital educational media play a key role in the teaching and learning processes; they are the object with which students interact, acquiring skills and problem solving competencies.
In UTEC, educational media must be adapted to the demands and profiles of students, while maintaining the focus on learning objectives. Therefore, our work is in close collaboration with faculty, throughout the development and improvement process.
Turn your course into a digital learning experience
In order to design and develop an effective digital learning experience it is necessary to have high quality educational media.
Interactive presentations, educational simulators, mini-games, interactive audiovisuals, are some of the educational media you can include in your course. Make a selection and discover much more.

When is it convenient to use an audiovisual? What kind of video should I use? How do I develop it? discover the practical improvements to create different types of audiovisuals using simple and intuitive tools

Turn a word document into an interactive presentation can be simpler than you imagine. Enter Digital Educational Resources (RED), discover innovative applications simple to use and create high-impact educational media.

Gamification is a good teaching tool that motivates and drives the teaching-learning processes, which aims, among other things, to generate specific behaviors in students. Meet applications to build high impact games

Create simple documents and presentations with great creativity and generate a high impact on communication with your students.